Every contribution makes a difference.  Your donations will help those in need and change their lives.

See more ways that you can help below...


Spiritual Connection Outreach Community Center of South Florida, Inc relies on our partners to help us provide beneficial services to those who need our assistance.  Every contribution helps. Some partners are able to donate their time, services and expertise, while others lower their fees significantly.  We thank all of our partners for their generous contributions.


As a nonprofit, we rely on grants and institutional investments to expand and innovate our services.  Our grantors provide necessary funds that enable us to pilot new programs and serve the community.  We are grateful for these investments and the generous contributions of our individual funders.


Our mission is to provide the highest level of service and personalized care to each client who enters our facility.  Get involved and make a positive impact while changing lives.

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Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 4500095, Sunrise, FL 33345
Phone: (954) 548-8528


This is a non-profit organization, created exclusively for charitable and educational purposes as deemed by the Internal Revenue Code under section 501(c)(3) and shall be utilized for the purposes intended.

Reach One, Help Many

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